


As for his talent as a writer, we know that he wrote works in Greek and Latin, in verse and in prose, he is a philosopher, rhetorician and novelist, with great fertility in all genres. In The Golden Ass or The Metamorphoses we find building, satirical work, erotic novel and religious symbol. Talking about this work implies talking about magic....

If, following Guyonvarc'h (1997), we divide the Celts into three groups based on their language, the Irish, the Breton and the Gaul, we will find that magic, "by definition", if anything like it can be found in their texts, is that of a marvelous science knowing the nature of things.

Within Santeria or the Rule of Oshá-Ifá, a syncretic religion between the African Yoruba and Christianity, whose identification of deities and saints earned it its nickname, there are multiple religious rituals, many of which are esoteric in nature, following the current foundations of these spiritual and magical related practices. The oracles...

Geomancy, although it comes from the terms of gr. geo-, earth and -manteia, which literally means "divination by the earth", is a divinatory system that maintains a close link with astrology and what are considered the chthonic and polar forces of the earth as an element, which allow not only make predictions, but also find out the best place for...

While daimon, in the Greco-Roman world, referred to geniuses or spirits, not necessarily evil, devil, from gr. diabolos: distorter, equated to the figure of Satan, "the adversary" in the Hebrew world, had an evil connotation from the beginning. In the Middle Ages, both concepts merged, disabling this distinction in a world where paganism was also...

Armanen runes


The Armanen futhark, which, contrary to popular belief, is not the current popular runic set, was devised by Guido Von List (1848 - 1919) extensive in the existing futhark but reduced the number of runes to 18, which he identified with the eighteen wishes that Odin formulates in the Hávámal. All this, according to his own testimony, was revealed to...

A few days after the end of the exhibition, it was possible to us to visit it, and here is a review-summary so that you can also evaluate the exhibition, from anywhere, and promote more activities like this one. Accommodated in a not very extensive space, the exhibition is quite complete, accurate, and to a certain extent welcoming. With brooms...

With this we enter the perhaps most representative and dim chapter of magic of all time, the one called submission (gr. hypotaktikón) and which includes two intimately linked branches, the malefic and the erotic. The relationship between the two is manifested by the divinities that come into play, nocturnal or subterranean in both cases, and the...

As already said in the article Ancient Runic Magic, the intrinsic and, if you will, hidden meanings of the runes of the Scandinavian futhark and Anglo-Saxon futhorc are found in the Norwegian runic poems, from the 7th century, the Anglo-Saxon, from the 8th century or IX, and the Icelandic, recorded in the S.XV. Although there is also the...

Runes are known as the set of Scandinavian and Germanic characters with which various alphabets are formed, according to the language and the region, which kept, within its use as a writing system, a magical-religious value when it was applied in certain events or places , and whose denomination has later been extended to the general, to any symbol...

The Chaldeans were part of a Semitic tribe that had its beginnings or origins in the Arab and were located in Mesopotamia. More precisely, their main settlement was in the southern part during the period before the common era, before the first millennium. Although it has not been determined exactly, linguistic studies have decreed that they were...

The origins of sigils are lost in the mists of time if we dare to identify even the marks our prehistoric ancestors carved on stone as sigils. However, it is more logical to identify it from the creation of writing, and therefore, the conscious manifestation of a concept through the abstraction that it supposes. Because, by definition, that is...

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