


Despite the popularity of this country, much of its religious culture and folklore is totally unknown in the Western world. Perhaps one of those branches is that of magic, which can be seen partially drawn in many books, in manga and anime, but to which at the moment of truth not much attention is paid. Magic in Japan does not...

We are going to present some information about the author of the Satyricon. We know nothing with absolute certainty about Petronius and his work only has come down to us in part, and what this part could represent in the whole of the work when it was written is unknown. As for the novel, we know that it is incomplete...

Often the five-pointed star is seen accompanied by other symbols and magical words, such as Tetragrammaton, the four-letter Hebrew reference (yod, he, vav, he) for the unpronounceable name of the Hebrew God, which can be shown, in effect, with these four characters, or written Te - tra - gram - ma - ton and accompanied by the numbers 1-2, which...

Astrology has existed in practically all cultures, since the contemplation of the night sky was undoubtedly one of the first religious impressions. The perception of the movement or not of the stars, of their seasonal changes, motivates the thought that they are "aware" or at least they are linked to the development of time and space. From there to...

Already mentioned briefly in the article on Geomancy and Cleromancy, it is the geomantic system par excellence of the West - leaving aside the geomantic question of the Far East. Known through contacts with the Arab world during the Middle Ages, it is still used today in some parts of Africa. However, Arab geomancy is included among the practices...

The magic of the druids, like all their religion, is of a natural nature. If we go by the sagas and popular stories, they control the elements, creating storms in the sea or drying up the land, throwing balls of fire at their enemies... The creation of fog, feth fiada, is common to confuse the enemy, to flee or as...

As for his talent as a writer, we know that he wrote works in Greek and Latin, in verse and in prose, he is a philosopher, rhetorician and novelist, with great fertility in all genres. In The Golden Ass or The Metamorphoses we find building, satirical work, erotic novel and religious symbol. Talking about this work implies talking about magic....

If, following Guyonvarc'h (1997), we divide the Celts into three groups based on their language, the Irish, the Breton and the Gaul, we will find that magic, "by definition", if anything like it can be found in their texts, is that of a marvelous science knowing the nature of things.

Within Santeria or the Rule of Oshá-Ifá, a syncretic religion between the African Yoruba and Christianity, whose identification of deities and saints earned it its nickname, there are multiple religious rituals, many of which are esoteric in nature, following the current foundations of these spiritual and magical related practices. The oracles...

Geomancy, although it comes from the terms of gr. geo-, earth and -manteia, which literally means "divination by the earth", is a divinatory system that maintains a close link with astrology and what are considered the chthonic and polar forces of the earth as an element, which allow not only make predictions, but also find out the best place for...

While daimon, in the Greco-Roman world, referred to geniuses or spirits, not necessarily evil, devil, from gr. diabolos: distorter, equated to the figure of Satan, "the adversary" in the Hebrew world, had an evil connotation from the beginning. In the Middle Ages, both concepts merged, disabling this distinction in a world where paganism was also...

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