The most ancient reference we have about Marseille's Tarot -not about cartomancy or other deck of cards- comes from 15th century, it may have appeared in the north of Italy and from there it moved through Europe until it arrived to the south of France where it became popular. Gathered under the name of Visconti-Sforza, the different games of...
Astrology’s purification
For some people, astrology is an exploitation with scientific base. The mathematical celestial measurements which are precise in equinox or in stars movements, as well as stars reunion to identify a more or less known form... All of them are scientific characteristics. But the star's involvement in the development of a human being is not...
The concept for magicology or magic studies is used in a very limited way not only because of that in fact is less used than other terms but because many people think about if it is really plausible to make a scientific study of magic. This means, a study about that power and those supernatural forces in which people believe;...
ABRA Project
ABRA was born in 2016 and nowadays has been completed as a web page, however I would want to spread it more. ABRA desires to be as the original Latin and Spanish acronym can tell (Academia Bibliothecaque Religionum et Arcanorum - Academia y Biblioteca de las Religiones y lo Arcano) an academy and a library for the...