Abra we have a group of people who
accepted the challenge of writing about esotericism and magic according to our
approach. We are grateful for their help which is very valuable to keep alive
this web page.
you want to contribute with us, you can write us through Contact
Pietro Viktor
Creator- Coordinator- Content developer
Master's degree in History of Religions in UCM (Spain). Graduate in Classical Philology, specializing in Indo-European Languages.
Rachel Black
Translator - Content developer
Master's degree in Interculturalcommunication, Translation and Interpretation in Public Services and graduated in 'Modern languages and Translation' in in UAH (Spain). Writer of fantasy novels, enthusiastic of languages and science-fiction, translator of English, French and Spanish.
Nerea Castedo
Graduated in Classical Philology from UCM (Spain) Master's degree in 'Professor Training' and professor of secondary education in several high school institutions of Madrid during the last three years until nowadays.
Ignacio Povedano
Content developer
Former student of Classical Philology from UCM (Spain). Researcher and writer, admirer of books, information technology and everything related to electronics.
Miguel Morata
Content developer
Master's degree in History of Religions from UCM (Spain). Graduated in Sciences and Languages of Antiquity.