Chakras, colors and minerals


Chakra (Sanskrit (चक्र, circle), is the word used in Hinduism to refer to the sources of energy that are believed to be inside the human being, and that are nourished by breathing (prana). Correct breathing, together with other factors, helps all the chakras to be balanced, and therefore, the physical and mental life of the individual to be balanced as well.

As can be seen in summary in the post Seven colors candle: African power or chakras, the original chakras in India were six: muladara (tailbone), suadhistana (navel), manipura (stomach), anajata (chest), vishuda (throat) and añakia (forehead).

Let us remember that the seventh chakra, sahasra-ara (on the crown), was a discovery/invention of the British theosophists of the 19th century, who considered that the chakras in the human body were infinite, since there were, according to their vision, infinite sources of energy, and thus they established a new "main" chakra above añakia, which they defined as the ultimate point of spiritual ascension, given its connection with the mental aspect. However, there are those who think that this seventh chakra is the most important, and those who think it is the least important, or even an unfounded invention.

Nowadays, especially in an esoteric environment, as is the case of the use of minerals, the British current of the seven chakras is followed, which in turn have been associated with seven colors. This is probably due not only to the greater diffusion of British works in the West, but to the mystical value that the number 7 has in Western culture, compared to 6. In addition, the activation of the chakras through other elements, such as music, would also allow the 7 Western musical notes to be linked.

Following the path, minerals with those colors were associated with them. However, this association is not so simple, since minerals have been linked since ancient times to a series of magical or medicinal properties, as will be seen later.

In the ancient illustrations that we have preserved, the colors of the chakras are generally random. Modern colors, that is, those that come from Theosophy, in order, would be red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and purple or white. As can be seen, their colors, with the exception of white, are the colors of the rainbow, since their philosophical-esoteric basis indicates that, since the chakras are a vibratory energy, and light changes color according to the frequencies it passes through, the chakras would produce the colors that the human eye is able to perceive, in the same spectrum as the rainbow. Furthermore, the colour transitions of the rainbow are considered to be the same as those of the chakras, since the energy they give off occupies a certain space or radius that would be mixed with that occupied by the nearby chakras, and their colour fusion would be similar.

Before going into the description of the chakras and the associated minerals, let us remember that there are different systems for using them to activate the chakras. The most common system is to place pieces of the minerals on the part of the body that has that chakra, while breathing. There are also those who sit to meditate in front of a figure or bowl with minerals, concentrating on them or visualising their emanations. When the specific mineral is not available separately (for example, because all the chakra stones are worn together in a pendant or are placed on a mural or ornament, etc.), practitioners of kundalini and other branches tie a scarf of the related colour to the area they want to treat or activate, and meditate or exercise in front of the set.

Muladara or Root Chakra is symbolized by a red lotus with four petals. Its color is red because of blood, and its element is earth. It is located in the coccyx and is considered the base chakra of human life, as it is at the point of balance of the human being and conditions his physical form. It is also a chakra that regulates the base of life, that is, survival, which is why it is considered that when it is unbalanced, vulgar instincts come to light, while the body becomes ill, generally with circulatory problems.

It is generally associated with red minerals, such as carnelian, garnet, red jasper, coral or ruby. Although the color itself fulfills an important function, the truth is that most of the associated minerals are related to blood circulation, physical and mental energy, vitality and detoxification, which makes its uses fit with the same objectives as the search for activation of the Muladara chakra. Most of these stones are consistent and firm, even a little heavy, which makes them suitable as a "base". The exception would be coral, but since it comes from marine animals, it is associated, in some way, with a way to life. However, given its environmental threat status, many prefer to use a small coral bead or imitation corals as a simple symbol.

Svadhishthana or Sacral Chakra is symbolized by an orange lotus with six petals. Its color is orange, but also shades of red, as it is closely related to the Root Chakra. Its element is water. It is located at the height of the genital organs, near the sacrum. It influences the sexual organs and the kidneys, and is related to fluids, such as semen, urine, menstruation, water filtered by the kidneys, fluid retention, gastric juices... It is considered that when it is unbalanced, it causes lower back pain, sexual and gynecological problems, hormonal imbalances and lack of security and creativity, apathy or anger.

It is associated with red minerals but especially orange ones, such as amber, opal, garnet, heliolite or calcite. These are stones whose tones are reminiscent of fire and the sun, and others are also accepted, such as moonstone or mother-of-pearl, despite being white, due to their iridescence. Since ancient times, these stones have been related to solar energies, and therefore to fertility, both in the physical and psychological sense, especially heliolite, which is attributed with properties that improve psychological well-being, mood and energy, or garnet, which is said to be a great support in healing. Some of these minerals, such as topaz, were considered since ancient times to be "coolers", which gives them the meaning of "cooling anger or pain".

Manipura is the chakra located at the mouth of the stomach. Its name means "place of jewels". It is associated with fire both because of gastric juices and emotions ("knot in the stomach", rage, etc.), so it is the chakra to regulate when there are problems of anger, rage, brutality... as well as problems in the gallbladder, lower back and skin. It is represented by a red flower with 10 petals, and also by a ram, the animal related to the god of fire, Agni, who in turn is in charge of communication with the gods: that is, of sacrifices. It is considered that when an individual has achieved the balance of this chakra and has unblocked it, he makes "sacrifices" by refraining from acting according to certain negative emotions, as well as avoiding other physical impulses (sexual, unnecessary shopping, gluttony...)

The associated minerals will be yellow, in association with the sun, although some are rather reddish in tone. We find amber again, but also yellow agate, citrine, tiger's eye, topaz (which was previously said to be "cooling"), yellow jasper, or hessonite garnet. Some of these stones have some connection with fire, such as garnet, which the Greeks associated, due to its reddish glow, with coal embers. Tiger's eye, because of its golden veins, has always been highly valued as an amulet, and in ancient times it was called Oculus Belus, apparently in honour of the Babylonian deity Bel-Marduk, god of the sky and lightning (Bel or Ba'al is an honorific form, something like "lord").

Anajata or Anahata is the heart chakra. Its name refers to the celestial sound, to the "blow without shock". It is linked to opposing forces that collide without harming each other, but rather balance each other and help manage the rest of the energies, in the same way that the heart pumps blood through the body. It is the central chakra, the point of balance. It is represented as a 12-petaled lotus, with two crossed triangles inscribed, and with the colours dark green and grey. Its element is air, its associated god is Vaiu, lord of the wind, and it is associated with will and positive, higher emotions, such as compassion and charity. Good actions are capable of escaping karma. In ancient India it was believed that the source of thoughts was the heart, hence it is from Anajata that ideas emerge, and if it is unbalanced, they are not good. When it is unbalanced, diseases of the heart, lungs, ribs, vertebrae of the upper torso, arms and shoulders manifest. Also in problems of the thymus gland (immune system), thyroid and circulatory in general.

The associated minerals will be those with green tones. Emerald, jade, malachite, aventurine, green fluorite, amazonite, moss agate. Most of these stones, especially emerald, due to its distinctive color, were used in jewelry, but also for the magical properties attributed to them. Among them were protection and the release of bad energies, which led to the reduction of anxiety, depression and general malaise. They were also used in medicine for purifying purposes, that is, for urinary problems, colic, or even constipation. In short, to restore the natural balance. Jade is also used today for cosmetic treatments. In pre-Columbian America and Asia, jade was a talisman of good luck.

Vishuddha is the throat chakra. It means "purity" and is related to Truth, Word and Essence. It is commonly represented as a flower with twelve grey, green or red petals and a light blue central space, which represents the essential as something intangible. The associated body parts are the throat, larynx, vocal cords, teeth, jaw, tongue, and glands such as the thyroid, as well as the cervical vertebrae and esophagus. The chakra is associated with the note G, central in Western music. When Vidhudda is unbalanced, it is believed that diseases related to the indicated body parts will appear, as well as problems in the way of communicating, such as violence, lies, etc. and the ability to listen and empathize will also be lost.

The associated minerals will be blue, such as blue agate, blue aventurine, sapphire, kyanite, lapis lazuli, celestine, chalcedony, aquamarine, etc. Others are related to water and the sky. Many of these stones are intended to improve communication, avoid self-doubt and bring conciliation. Lapis lazuli, for example, is considered a stone that gives wisdom and eliminates bad thoughts, in addition to being used in traditional Chinese medicine as an anti-inflammatory and soothing, used both in scorpion wounds and menstrual pain. It is believed that aquamarine attracts joy, laughter and well-being. Chalcedony is considered a "group" and also a spiritual stone. And so on and so forth.

Añakia or Ajna is the chakra located in the forehead, considered the "third eye." It means control or command. Its representation is a white lotus with two petals, one on each side. It is physically related to the head, the face and everything that is located there, which are ultimately various tools with which we know the world: ears, eyes, nostrils... It is also associated with intuition, concentration, knowledge beyond what is perceived, and ultimately, balance, control. If it is unbalanced, headaches, negative and repetitive thoughts will appear, as well as psychological and psychiatric illnesses related to the loss of control of emotions and of oneself. Religious or ideological fanaticism may also appear. Despite the color of its symbol, let us remember that it is the sixth chakra, and that later another one was added, above the head, which "stole" the color of Añakia. The traditional color of Añakia, therefore, should have been white, but when the seventh chakra appeared on the scene, Añakia took on the color blue or violet, that is, a darker tone than its predecessor Vishudda. For this reason, illustrations of the two-petaled lotus in purple can be found.

The associated minerals will be indigo and purple tones, such as amethyst, violet agate, obsidian, sugilite, and also others with blue tones, such as the already mentioned lapis lazuli, sodalite or sapphire. Regarding the blue minerals, we have already seen that they were related to knowledge and speech. Minerals such as sugilite are associated with cosmic forces and vibrations or energies, given their translucent surface. In ancient Greece, it was believed that amethyst detoxified (hence its name αμέθυστος, detoxified), and it was used as a protector against poisoning or intoxication, for example, by adding it to wine. But from there, tradition evolved into the idea that it also freed the mind from bad thoughts and the spirit from worries, becoming the spiritual stone par excellence.

The seventh chakra, Sahasra-ara (at the crown), although added later, was soon assigned a colour and corresponding stones. It is also called the crown chakra. As stated in the previous point, white should belong to Añakia, but when another chakra was added, white became sahasra-ara. Its name means "a thousand spokes", and in fact its symbol is a wheel of a thousand petals, distributed in 20 layers of 50 petals each. Sometimes an equilateral triangle or a smaller circle is placed inside it, which acts as the "centre" of the wheel. In the theory of the seven chakras, this is the main chakra from which the rest emanate, and it is related to supraconsciousness, and to divine capacity (shiddi). The colour white has always meant purity and light, and also death in some Eastern contexts. In any case, the associated organ is the brain, which is ultimately the organ of thought and spirit. It is associated with white minerals such as moonstone, selenite, white quartz, calcite, as well as pearls or mother-of-pearl. It is also related to diamonds and gold due to its value. These stones have been used.

They are always used in contexts of spiritual search, mental peace and positivity. Calcite is used to calm anger, but in its agricultural applications, it reduces the acidity of the soil, eliminates impurities and fertilizes it. It even has medical applications against heartburn. Selenite is common as an element of meditation. Moonstone is said to positively affect the activation of the pineal gland, responsible for moods, circadian cycles and the immune system. It is conceivable that its association with the moon since ancient times has been associated with these capacities, as well as menstrual control. Curiously, most of these stones are made up of several layers of iridescent materials, as reflected in the petals of the illustrated chakra.

As can be seen, the association of chakras with colors and minerals follows a very simple pattern that only presents duality in the aspect of colors compared to pre-existing ideas about a specific stone. However, as both coincide very often, it continues to be a simple system for meditation or magical application, which can be explored in depth.

Pietro V. Carracedo Ahumada –


-De Llaca, M. Chakras. Un camino holístico para alcanzar el equilibrio físico, emocional y espiritual. Grijalbo, 2018

-Simmons, R. The Pocket Book of Stones. Who They Are and What They Teach. Destiny books, Vermont, 2021.

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