Chinese astrology. Astrology notions (III)


Before talking about astrology itself, we must talk about the Eastern philosophy of the 5 elements (Metal, Wood, Water, Fire and Earth), which were associated with the 5 astrological planets: Venus, Jupiter, Mercury, Mars and Saturn. The energy of these elements in combination is balanced into positive energy (Yan) and negative energy (Yin). In Chinese astrology, it is considered that these two forms of energy take turns, creating a binary cycle, which in combination with the five aforementioned elements, create 10-year cycles for all their possible combinations, a total of 60. The elements are related. also with the cardinal points, with the Earth being the center, the North being Water, the West being Metal, the South being Fire, and the East being Wood, and each of them has associated connotations of personality, passions, inclinations, etc.

The constellations of Chinese culture, unlike those of the Western world, are not 88: there are only 28, which in turn are housed in a division of the sky into three enclosures: The Purple Enclosure, the Supreme Palace Enclosure, and the Celestial Market Enclosure, which corresponds to the celestial region of the north pole, and 28 astrological houses. However, there are 12 zodiacal constellations because they are those found in the zodiacal region, the ecliptic. The Chinese zodiac is associated with the moon and therefore the beginnings of the year and sign take place with the beginning of the lunar year, just as it is considered that there are months that last more or less. The signs of the Chinese Zodiac are: the Rat, the Ox, the Tiger, the Rabbit, the Dragon, the Snake, the Horse, the Sheep/Goat, the Monkey, the Rooster, the Dog and the Pig.

There are different legends about the origin of these names and animals: one of them, linked to Buddhism, says that Buddha dreamed or was helped by these animals in his confrontation against the demon Mara. However, the best known myth is that the God of Heaven or Huang Di, the Yellow Emperor, wanted to establish these paradigms in the celestial plane and gathered a banquet or called the animals to a race, and these were the ones who came. The cat had also been invited, but the rat, ashamed of his appearance compared to the cat's beauty, told him another date for the banquet or, in the case of the race, pushed him into a river, making him his eternal enemy. The pig found itself occupying the cat's place by pure chance, as twelve were required.

These animals vary throughout astrology throughout Asia. In Japan the last animal is not a pig, but a wild boar, a wilder animal and considered to have more personality. In Vietnam, the cat does have a place in the horoscope, occupying the position of the rabbit, according to some, because there were no rabbits in Vietnam at the time, according to others, due to a translation error, and a third version, that to maintain the balance, if there is a rat, there must be a cat. Some regions of India and Indonesia follow the Chinese zodiac but change the tiger for the lion. Other zodiacs from eastern regions maintain the Chinese animals, but alter the order.

Signs personality

The lunar year defines the zodiac sign, that is, the zodiac sign is annual, and in this way you can find lists of rotating years in which each sign of the twelve is the pattern. However, since these are lunar years, many astrologers warn that many signs can be found modified by mistake: if a lunar year began in February, even if the year has a ruling sign, those born in that year in January are It is probable that the sign of the previous one corresponds to them.

Those born under the sign of the rat (lunar years 1900, 1912, 1924, 1936, 1948, 1960, 1972, 1984, 1996, 2008, 2020) are said to be intelligent, loving, very generous and hard-working people. They are also astute and highly adaptable, very analytical. Among their negative characteristics is that this insight can be used to manipulate, at the same time that it makes them distrustful and perhaps hoarders of the rewards of their efforts.

Those born under the sign of the ox (lunar years 1901, 1913, 1925, 1937, 1949, 1961, 1973, 1985, 1997, 2009, 2021) are said to be calm, persevering, resilient people. Likewise, patient, reliable, kind, tolerant. Their negative side is that their outbursts due to all this endurance can be terrible, in addition to the fact that, due to their repetitive consistency, they can become somewhat stubborn.

Those born under the sign of the tiger (lunar years 1902, 1914, 1926, 1938, 1950, 1962, 1974, 1986, 1998, 2010, 2022) are said to be active, intelligent, who think through their projects very well, and are cautious about do. However, on their negative side they are also ambitious to the point of greed, tyranny and selfishness.

Those born under the sign of the rabbit or cat (lunar years 1903, 1915, 1927, 1939, 1951, 1963, 1975, 1987, 1999, 2011, 2023) are friendly people, competitive at healthy levels, with restless minds. Extremely careful, this can negatively lead to them being fearful, docile and superficial.

Of those born under the sign of the dragon, the only mythological animal in the entire zodiac (lunar years 1904, 1916, 1928, 1940, 1952, 1964, 1976, 1988, 2000, 2012, 2024), it is said that they are always loaded people of energy and courage, with great capacity to achieve success, passionate, motivated. However, they become negatively obsessed with minor things, and their leadership ability can be undermined when they ignore people over technical details.

Those born under the sign of the snake (lunar years 1905, 1917, 1929, 1941, 1953, 1965, 1977, 1989, 2001, 2013, 2025) are passive, cold, skillful and firm people, selective with their friends. They are wise individuals, although this sometimes makes them see, in their negative aspect, as arrogant or dangerous, jealous of what is theirs and capable of distorting other people's or their own arguments.

Those born under the sign of the Horse (lunar years 1906, 1918, 1930, 1942, 1954, 1966, 1978, 1990, 2002, 2014, 2026) are said to be self-sufficient but familiar, active and practical. However, their negative side is that they start many projects that may remain unfinished, they become impatient and angry easily.

Of those born under the sign of the goat (lunar years 1907, 1919, 1931, 1943, 1955, 1967, 1979, 1991, 2003, 2015, 2027) similar things are said to horses, with the difference that their adventures are fast, intense, and soon they return to the family nucleus. In the same way, they are peaceful, understanding, but in their negative aspect, that intensity and speed can become a disorganized character, which easily gives in to pressure and falls into pessimism.

Those born under the sign of the monkey (lunar years 1908, 1920, 1932, 1944, 1956, 1968, 1980, 1992, 2004, 2016, 2028) tend to make friends easily and adapt to any environment in which they consider they can reach find themselves comfortable. They are intelligent and skilled, but their negative counterpart is that they can end up demanding attention from their environment and talking too much.

Those born under the sign of the rooster (lunar years 1909, 1921, 1933, 1945, 1957, 1969, 1981, 1993, 2005, 2017, 2029) are natural leaders, detail-oriented, they surround themselves with honest people who they consider reliable, and therefore This, in its negative aspect, implies despotism and a lot of pride. They can also end up being selfish and controlling.

Those born under the sign of the dog (lunar years 1910, 1922, 1934, 1946, 1958, 1970, 1982, 1994, 2006, 2018, 2030) are said to be loyal, hard-working, dedicated and cheerful. In contrast, their negative side is that they can be very critical and, at the same time, accept more affronts than they should, in addition to turning attachment into a certain dependency.

Of those born under the sign of the pig (lunar years 1911, 1923, 1935, 1947, 1971, 1983, 1995, 2007, 2019, 2031) they are naive but sincere, loving, grateful and very patient, to the negative point of, for overconfidence, sacrificing and receiving abuse from others. Your calmness can turn into self-indulgence.

Archetypes elements

To these cycles we must add the Yin aspect (odd signs: Ox, Rabbit, Snake, Goat, Rooster and Pig) and the Yang (even signs: Rat, Tiger, Dragon, Horse, Monkey and Dog), and the five elements . Each element interacts with the others, and has, in turn, an associated character.

Fire is positivity, passion, naturalness, the innovative and bubbling mind, the intense personality. All of this leads, negatively, to excessive ambition, distrust, imposition of ideas and conflicts.

The earth is passive, sensitive, receptive, balanced. He has a noble, calm, serious, conservative character, but this can become negative, turning him into material interest, squared-off, pessimism in the face of novelty, and deviant calculations.

Metal has been interpreted in various ways, since it is a resistant material that, however, can also be used for weapons. It symbolizes rigidity, a determined and tireless attitude, temperamental, which translates, in its negative aspect, into personal obstinacy and radicality.

Water is adaptation and sensitivity, influence and variability. This has a negative impact on inconstancy, a drain on energy, excessive tolerance of external circumstances, and a diplomacy that can border on hypocrisy in some cases.

To calculate which element is associated, a rotation calculation is made over the years. The last annual cycle began in 1984, with Wood Rat, and will end in 2044 with Water Pig. If the year ends in 0 or 1, the dominant element will be metal; If it ends in 2 or 3, the dominant element will be water; If it ends in 4 or 5, the dominant element will be wood; If the year ends in 6 or 7, the dominant element will be fire; and finally, if the year ends in 8 or 9, the dominant element will be the earth. In this way, for example, someone born in 1990 will be a metal horse, and someone born in 1996 will be a fire rat.

Secret animals and internal animals

In ancient times, China used a time system in which each hour was equivalent to two Western hours, which has finally been adopted in this culture as well. They were called shíchén (時辰): great hour, and are still used for questions related to astrology. The so-called secret animal would be an equivalent of the ascendant in Western astrology. To calculate it, the time of birth must be taken into account, although some consider that the time of our country of birth should not be considered, but that of the eastern region. The personality associated with these signs would influence to a certain degree the personality of the person born in said time zone, in which the sun passed through the corresponding stars.

Following this approach, from 23:00 to 00:59 the secret animal is the Rat; between 01:00 and 02:59 it would be the Ox; between 03:00 and 04:59, it would be the Tiger; from 05:00 to 06:59 is the Rabbit; from 07:00 to 08:59, it would be the Dragon; from 09:00 to 10:59, it is the Serpent; between 11:00 and 12:59, it would be the Horse; from 1:00 p.m. to 2:59 p.m., it would be the Goat; from 3:00 p.m. to 4:59 p.m. it would be the Monkey; from 17:00 to 18:59 it is the Rooster; between 19:00 and 20:59 it is the Dog, and finally, between 21:00 and 22:59 it would be the Pig.

Regarding the internal animal, the twelve animals of the zodiac are distributed throughout the months of the year, beginning in January with the Rat, and ending in December with the Pig. Once again, some astrologers consider that these months are displaced, and that since they are lunar years, the month of the Rat should be December. For and against this is the fact that each culture assigns certain festivities, vacations, and specific events to the months, not to mention the changes that these represent in the southern hemisphere. Following this, the month of the Rat, January, would share the personality of the rat, it would be a month of work, detail, accumulation... there are those who see this in the month of December, given the Western winter holidays. The month of February would be a passive, calm month, like the Ox, and the month of March would be an agitated month of reflection, as symbolized by the Tiger, etc.

Other correspondences and astrological chart

The zodiacal signs, as could not be otherwise, also have an element associated with them, regardless of the lunar cycle in which they are inserted, by their very essence, as occurs when planets are associated with the elements, as already indicated. These correspondences influence each other in Feng Shui and other esoteric philosophies.

Thus, we find ordered groups of three: the pig, the rat, and the ox are, intrinsically, of the water element, ruled by Mercury, their colors are black or cobalt, and their cardinal point is the North. The tiger, the rabbit and the dragon will be the wood element, ruled by Jupiter, their colors are greenish tones, and their cardinal point, the East. The snake, the horse and the goat are of the fire element, ruled by Mars, their colors are red, orange, pink and purple tones, and their cardinal point, the South. The monkey, the rooster and the dog would be the metal element, ruled by Venus, their colors would be white and gold, and their cardinal point would be the West.

What happens, then, to the element Earth? There are different aspects to this. Some consider that it is an element that symbolizes the celestial trunk, the center between the four cardinal points, so that no sign can be associated with it. Other schools associate signs that they consider linked to said element, such as the ox or the monkey, unbalancing the distribution seen previously. In either case, the Earth element is linked to Saturn and its colors are brown and yellow tones. We must not forget that yellow in Asia is a color associated with royalty, hence possibly an astrological-divine relationship was established with nobility and consequently, said central and organizing element would remain, not empty, but reserved, the more if we take as a basis the legend of the zodiac with Huang Di, the Yellow Emperor, as the axis of all zodiacal selection and distribution.

Feng Shui also plays its part in this analysis, dividing the luck that guides people's lives into three. The luck of the earth, motivated by earthly energies; human luck, motivated by the individual's own actions, their paths and consequences; and celestial luck, motivated by the energies that come from heaven, and ultimately, by Qi (氣), the flow of universal energy. Despite seeming the most distant, this energy is, from the point of view of metaphysics and esotericism, the most controllable and channelable to improve health and mental abilities.

Astrological chart: The celestial palaces and the major stars.

In the beginning, carrying out a specific analysis of the moment of birth and predestination of a person was something reserved for the Emperor. It was called Zi Wei Dou Shu or Astrology of the Purple/Emperor Star, identified with Polaris, because it is the only one fixed in the sky. The Chinese astrological chart is commonly called Ba-zi or the eight characters, referring to a numerological game that summarizes the personality of the individual. The Eastern astrological charts do not stray too far from the perception of the celestial world at the specific moment of birth in the Western world, although applying all the indicated influences, achieving complex and complete personality patterns. However, it has some characteristics that differentiate it from Western cards, starting with its appearance, which is usually rectangular, unlike the Western circumference.

To begin with, the celestial division: The earth receives the influence and support of the 12 zodiacal animals, in addition to the 5 elements, which are called earthly branches; These are multiplied by 2 when presenting the Yin and Yang variants, the celestial stems, that is, another 10 influences. The sky has these marked sections, each one with a particular influence. The former are said to indicate the most external and visible aspects of the personality to the rest, while the latter show the hidden and deep personality.

On the other hand, we also find the four pillars of destiny or four fortunes, on which the astrological chart is made, which affect the day, the month, the year and the hour. Although the year defines the individual's animal, the year will also define his ego, and his expression in society, especially with the elderly. The month of birth, in addition to giving you the secret animal, links to your family and your professional career. The day refers to personal essence, initiative and the couple. Finally, the time refers to the inclinations of the spirit, the people in charge (children, employees, students) and the result of our actions.

There are, following the traditional Zi Wei Dou Shu, 12 astrological houses or palaces, each of which defines, in Western fashion, some aspects of human life, depending on the planets, stars or events that take place in it. these spaces at the time of birth. As said before, the distribution is made in a rectangular way, and the closer said objects or events are to the corners or close to the center of the chart, the more they will manifest their influence. They are read counterclockwise - which sometimes causes learning problems in Westerners: it is best to be guided by the name -, and some of them coincide with the meanings of Western houses.

House I is the so-called Palace of the Self, the innate will, the instinct, the personality. This coincides with the Western pattern. House II is the so-called Brothers' Palace, where relationships with brothers and sisters are located, as well as the benefits that may come from them. House III is the Palace of the Spouses, which defines the type of love relationship, and can even partially define the person with whom one will marry. House IV is the house of Children, identifying offspring, but also relationships in childhood and in general, with children. The V House is the Palace of Wealth, which indicates financial status, stability, the rise or fall of income over time. House VI is the so-called Palace of Health, which would indicate the general health of the individual and the milestones of illness or recovery. This coincides with the same house in Western astrology. House VII is the Palace of Travel, both short and long journeys, both temporary and definitive. House VIII is the Palace of Friendship or Subjects (it should not be forgotten that this type of astrology was reserved for the Emperor, so his subjects or subordinates were, at the same time, his closest people=. Talk about friendships productive, as well as co-workers, and for those who will obtain a management position, for their employees, also locating arguments and betrayals. House IX is the Palace of Career or Trade, the future dedication and interests of the analyzed individual, which may be in agreement or total discrepancy, and their itinerary. House House the level of life by spiritual basis, by karma, that awaits that person, a kind of "basic life script" of the individual. Finally, House , the Self, restarting the cycle.

There are also 28 lunar mansions, and 14 major stars, each of which promotes a profession or specific skills in those it illuminates:

Ziwei or the Emperor, represents leadership, order, command, and is associated with the Earth Yin force. Tianji or the celestial confidant, offers power of manipulation and convincing, associated with the Yin Wood force. Taiyang or the Sun, is the leader, the creative potential, masculinity, associated with the Yang Fire force. Wuqu or the bureaucrat is the star of Finance, making the person someone with great economic ability, associated with the Yin Metal force. Tianfu or the Heavenly Mansion is material wealth, social position, associated with the Yang Metal force. Tiantong or Luck, the Child, is, in fact, the carefree, happy, calm life, associated with the Yang Water force. Lianzhen is the Judge or the Maiden, it symbolizes intelligence, although in the feminine case it always has a negative connotation, justice, punishment and the two sides of the coin, and is associated with the Yin Fire force. Taiyin or the Moon, symbolizes feminine control in the figure of the mother, wife, arts and resilience, and other feminine characteristics, and is associated with the Yin Water element. Tanlang, the hunter, is valid for both sexes in the sense of violence and sexual interest, which is why it is linked to the image of a wolf, and is associated with two different forces, Yang Wood and again Yin Water. Jumen or the lawyer, is linked to professions where speech is important, both in the judicial and artistic fields (singing, theater), but it also has the connotation of loudmouths; It is associated with the Yin Water force. Tianxiang or the keeper of the seal, is the loyal representative, a high official, is associated with the Yang Water force. Tianglian is the sage, or the heavenly bridge, it is both the teacher and the student, tolerance and regulation, and is associated with the Yang Earth and Yang Wood forces. Qi Sha, the star of power or the seven deaths, is the star of the military, of the temperamental warrior, of danger, and is associated with the Yang Fire and Yin Metal strength. Finally, Po Jun or the star of ruin, implies destruction, brutal changes, associated with the Yin Water force.

On the contrary, Ling Xin (the star of Mermaid), or Die Jie (the star of Calamity) will be very negative. Lu Cun (the star of Abundance), or Hong Luan (the star of Marriage) are stars that act at a certain time to help the individual and alter their luck.

Likewise, we find harmonies, disruptions, crosses, planetary and stellar situations... also the animals of the people with whom the individual analyzed in the chart will relate. All these forces affect the life of man and are reflected both in the astrological chart and in the daily horoscope that can be made afterwards, and are called "gods."

Although zodiacal astrology is popular in the West, the truth is that it does not affect the daily aspects of their society. It is hardly known when the Age of Aquarius entered, and every so often there is a new discussion about whether Ophiuchus should be included as a zodiac sign. However, this in the East, and especially in China, is not so banal. Not only are the coming years defined with the zodiac sign, but on its basis they prepare the distribution of tasks, parties, and events such as births or weddings, considering their greater or lesser convenience. Likewise, in Asia the creation of certain groups is based on the good compatibility of the signs, considering that the relationship will be more fluid between people with similar interests. One of this "evidence" would manifest itself in the differences noted by the professors between academic years, the most productive years of the companies, or the generational leaps in which a repetition of behavioral patterns occurs, coincidentally; Of course, in all this, individuals would be isolated from their cultural and socioeconomic environment, although it is still an interesting way of seeing the world.

Other stars are classified into three subgroups of lucky stars, harmful, and auxiliary, to cite an example, Wen Qu (the star of Intelligence) or Wen chang (the star of Intellect) belong to the group of lucky stars. ; On the contrary, Ling Xin (the star of Mermaid), or Die Jie (the star of Calamity) will be very negative. Lu Cun (the star of Abundance), or Hong Luan (the star of Marriage) are stars that act at a certain time to help the individual and alter their luck.

Likewise, we find harmonies, disruptions, crosses, planetary and stellar situations... also the animals of the people with whom the individual analyzed in the chart will relate. All these forces affect the life of man and are reflected both in the astrological chart and in the daily horoscope that can be made afterwards, and are called "gods."

Although zodiacal astrology is popular in the West, the truth is that it does not affect the daily aspects of their society. It is hardly known when the Age of Aquarius entered, and every so often there is a new discussion about whether Ophiuchus should be included as a zodiac sign. However, this in the East, and especially in China, is not so banal. Not only are the coming years defined with the zodiac sign, but on its basis they prepare the distribution of tasks, parties, and events such as births or weddings, considering their greater or lesser convenience. Likewise, in Asia the creation of certain groups is based on the good compatibility of the signs, considering that the relationship will be more fluid between people with similar interests. One of this "evidence" would manifest itself in the differences noted by the professors between academic years, the most productive years of the companies, or the generational leaps in which a repetition of behavioral patterns occurs, coincidentally; Of course, in all this, individuals would be isolated from their cultural and socioeconomic environment, although it is still an interesting way of seeing the world.

Pietro Viktor Carracedo Ahumada -


-Campion, N. Astrology and Cosmology in the World's Religions. NYU Press, NY, 2012

-Moorey, T. Understand Chinese Myhtology: Explore the timeless, fascinating stories of Chinese folklore. Hachette UK, 2012

-Wu, Shelly. The Definitive Book of Chinese Astrology. New Page Books. NJ, 2010.

Related articles:

>Western astrology. Astrology notions (I)

> Hindi or Jyotish Astrology. Astrology notions (II)

> Astrology's Purification.

> The Five Elements. East and West.

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