Divination with Bohemian crystal dice in the 20th century.


Crystal has always been a current and admired element when it comes to being used for divination. We have already seen divination with a crystal ball, possibly the most representative, along with the Tarot, of intuitive divination. Of the rest of the divinations, most of them follow the steps of geomancy, that is, as we have seen in other articles, divination in which it is considered that it is the earth that determines the way in which certain elements fall, thus giving different messages: within geomancy we find runes, the biagué oracle, snails, bones, charms, and also dice, a discipline called cubomancy. The usual divination systems use several dice and examine the results to give an answer, either numerological or yes or no.

We have examples from ancient Rome, where private dice games on specific occasions took on a character halfway between gambling and divination. In Tibet, the Mo oracle requires the use of dice and the reading of the results in the books of the lamas. However, in this article we are going to deal with a specific system that was used in Central Europe, especially in the Czech Republic, in the 19th and 20th centuries, divination with a single 32-sided glass die, on each of which appears a number that must be consulted in an attached booklet where its meaning is specified in different areas: love, money, travel, luck in general...

The method is little known, perhaps because cartomancy or divination with several dice or knucklebones was much simpler compared to the acquisition of a 32-sided die, which even today, with the exception of shops specializing in board and role-playing games, are difficult to find. Even more so if the aim was to make a divinatory prediction, with one side at 0 and the other at 00 for yes and no answers. For this reason, it seems that this type of dice was used in rather wealthy environments, as another form of entertainment at their meetings. Although there are other theories, such as that its presentation as a simple game was precisely to hide it due to the prohibition of magic and divination. There was also a list of questions and answers, the result of which was obtained by adding the two numbers that came up on the dice, or even the domino pieces. But this system did not go very far either.

The Czech Republic, formerly Czechoslovakia, was renowned for the high quality of its glasswork. The famous Bohemian crystal was coveted because lead was used in its manufacture and the pieces were shaped with great care, through both things a material was obtained that was absolutely transparent, without reflections of any colour, and very bright, and it could be cut and worked to create decorations in shapes that other crystals could not.

Looking at the various existing examples, it is curious to note that, despite their apparent scarcity and the fame they were given, these dice are made in two pieces to be joined together, that is, with a mold, and most of them are translucent and not very shiny. Many of these Czech dice have been found, however, by American collectors and antique dealers, so that there may also be doubts about their authenticity. On many of them, or on their packaging, it was indeed indicated "Made in Czechoslovakia", but many other dice were dispersed, because "sellers" preferred to call them "Hindu crystal balls", perhaps to present them in a more exotic way. However, it must be taken into account that glass has always been an element closely linked to divination, and that the supposed quality of these pieces only added more emotion and spirituality to the matter.

Instructions for the 32-sided Czech dice.

The faceted die was accompanied by a booklet of a few pages, each of which contained different settings: work, health, money, love, luck... with a list of numbers and their corresponding predictions. Depending on the question and the number that came up, the answer was easily found in the booklet.

There was also the possibility of asking yes and no questions, choosing between even numbers (positive answer) and odd numbers (negative answer). You could wish for the die, shake it between your hands, and see if it would come true depending on whether it came up even (yes it will come true), odd (no it will come true).

Regarding 0 and 00, it was assumed that their appearance brought news about luck, with 0 being good luck and success, and OO being bad luck and disappointment.

And although the system is simple, it is again curious that it is not widely known, although it finds justification in its own nature. The divinatory rite must be secret, complex, professional. Hence the playful aspect of the dice was separated from the esoteric world in general.

However, the use of non-geomantic dice is known, in which even and odd numbers are considered in relation to yes or no answers, and even those in which a meaning is applied to each number, either in numerological value or in a value agreed between the fortune teller and the consultant. There are also dice with zodiac signs, with planets, with runes, or even phrases and sentences, some of which are reviewed in another article.

Here we present the basic meanings of love, luck, fortune and health that appear in most of the booklets that I have personally found in the possession of some antique dealers. As can be seen, this system is practically obsolete today, in addition to dealing with issues specific to the time. It is worth highlighting the good humor of the answers, which enhances their playful aspect. Perhaps this system, on the other hand, excessively simple, could return if the answers were updated.


1. The person you love thinks about you as much as you think about them.

2. You will soon know your destiny.

3. Pay attention to those around you, flirting with others brings resentment.

4. Your lifelong partner will be horribly jealous.

5. Your partner will be quite rich.

6. You won't need a doctor for the heart problems that a charming person will give you.

7. Try hard to forget, you will be separated forever.

8. It was love at first sight for both of you.

9. You will soon have a serious proposal.

10. A comedy of errors will take place with your affairs, proportional to the satisfaction of the participants.

11. A love letter brings you good news.

12. Don't let your love fly away into the arms of another person, you can avoid it.

13. Success will accompany you in all matters of the heart.

14. Don't trust the person who kisses you next (reference to Judas)

15. Show more affection, coldness never wins.

16. A loving argument, but a quick reconciliation.

17. Avoid bad company or you will lose the person you love.

18. You will have a nice adventure and meet someone you love.

19. Your relatives will interfere, but with patience they will eventually get out of the way.

20. Frivolous characters will only drive you crazy, settled people will be a better life partner.

21. You are loved, even if you don't believe it.

22. Avoid the moonlight, it will make you lose your head and heart.

23. A friend you trust is trying to bring down the person you love.

24. Don't flirt; a casual acquaintance never means anything good.

25. Be more affectionate. Love grows cold under neglect.

26. In the twilight of a summer evening, a proposal.

27. Flirting would cause you to lose the one you love.

28. You will not be as lucky in love as you will be in wealth.

29. Religion will separate you, even if you love each other.

30. Show love and you will be loved.


1. You will not marry your love, but that will benefit you in the long run.

2. Lovely blue-eyed couple.

3. Money will influence your marriage.

4. Parents will eventually agree.

5. One gives kisses, one turns the cheek, you will give kisses.

6. Don't get married in a hurry.

7. It (marriage) is not coming for a while.

8. Don't give importance to money, love marriage is the best.

9. Your true partner is the dark-eyed one.

10. You will marry twice.

11. In 17 weeks or months you will meet the person you will marry.

12. Don't marry the handsome one.

13. As sure as fate, you will marry and have many children.

14. A lucky marriage with several children.

15. A proposal at the exit of the theatre.

16. In nine weeks or months there will be a wedding for you.

17. A widow will interfere for a while.

18. A dark and intelligent woman will help in your marriage.

19. After tears and anger you will turn to the right one.

20. Your rival has the best now, but in the end you will triumph.

21. Don't have your bow ties with too many strings, or you will never marry.

22. A long-standing friendship renewed means marriage.

23. You will have a fortunate marriage with several children, one of whom will attain a high position (social, professional...)

24. You will attend a wedding and learn your destiny there.

25. A handsome dancing partner will catch your eye.

26. Good things come in small doses, but in this case the tall one will be more faithful.

27. You will marry late but in great prosperity.

28. You will be happier if you remain single.

29. A marriage, a divorce, a second marriage, all within five years.

30. Marriage with the young one will be a calamity.

The home

1. A widow will try to turn things around.

2. Raise the standard of your acquisitions; do not invite everyone to your house.

3. You will have unexpected company.

4. Do not be a good companion outside and a bad companion at home.

5. A telegram or letter will bring important changes in your life.

6. You will soon hear about death.

7. An unanswered letter is causing you to lose a friend.

8. An unexpected bit of good luck and fortune will soon be yours.

9. An acquaintance you have not seen in years will bring you money.

10. You will go to a public function and there you will meet someone who will benefit you.

11. A gossipy person will cause you great unhappiness.

12. An invitation for a short trip.

13. You will move to a far away place, where everything will be brighter.

14. You will be prosperous in all your commitments.

15. Your quarrels make others unhappy.

16. At the end of the alley of troubles there is a rainbow shining.

17. You will travel a long distance, make new friends and a great fortune.

18. Your work will bring happiness to those you love.

19. Reject the 'dark' friend, it will bring unrest to your home.

20. Two people are needed for a quarrel. Offer the peace pipe, it will be accepted.

21. Joy in this year.

22. Apologize for a bad act and you will be forgiven.

23. Keep your tongue in check and you will keep your friends.

24. Someone who has been in your house only once is working in your interests.

25. Good things that were denied are on their way.

26. Do not travel in the next seven days.

27. You will lose money or jewelry through theft.

28. Something valuable that was lost will be found in an unexpected place.

29. Keep your tongue in check, do not reveal secrets that are valuable to your home.

30. Quarrels and problems can be avoided by respecting the opinion of others.


1. Prosperity will accompany you in whatever you start this year.

2. An interesting proposal will be made to you in four days or four weeks.

3. Throw away old ideas and accept new ones, they will fill your piggy bank.

4. Don't wait for things to change, go after that business and you will prosper.

5. You spend a lot of time on frivolous things, put your time and effort into serious things.

6. You will soon achieve great success in an unexpected way.

7. Don't do business with the man you have in mind, he is not honest.

8. Save, you will need it in the future.

9. Don't be narrow-minded or the business will go under. Broad-mindedness will make your business expand.

10. Keep women out of work hours.

11. Don't invest in speculative stock, you will lose.

12. Remove worry and fear from your mind and your enemies will not be able to take you by the head.

13. You will soon receive help in a matter of your business.

14. An intriguing business letter will get you into an unfortunate adventure.

15. If fortune smiles upon you, be honest and direct.

16. A favorable situation will follow a worrying one.

17. Opportunity knocks at your door.

18. Expand your acquisitions among prestigious men; one of them will help you.

19. Forget your problems and your problems will forget you.

20. Traveling will bring you more opportunities.

21. You will receive an inheritance in a short time.

22. Accept a new job offer, you will be lucky.

23. Through a lucky investor, a small sum of money will grow.

24. You will take a trip that will bring profit.

25. Discard the insincere friend or you will lose everything you have.

26. Buy yourself more clothes, you will attract prosperity.

27. Do not sign any contract or legal document in the next ten days.

28. Through extravagance, you will end up loving him.

29. Wealth and fame will be yours if you don't talk too much.

30. Your life will be rich in experiences, but not in money.


1. A trip made in three days, weeks or months will be very successful.

2. An illness with a quick recovery.

3. A change of home and job.

4. The silver lining of your cloud is breaking through.

5. Be cautious and money will come by itself.

6. Get started and you will be pushed on your way.

7. Follow successful people and you will share their success.

8. A relative will have a good pinch (luck, money, love...)

9. Promotion in sight

10. Invitations from friends, new house, many gifts.

11. A woman of knowledge will influence a bright future.

12. Luck does not follow those who always have their hands in their pockets.

13. You are little marked by the smile of fortune.

14. You will soon be offered a position of great importance.

15. After the middle of your life you will gain a considerable amount of money.

16. An old acquisition that you had almost forgotten will bring you a great opportunity.

17. You will meet with success.

18. Help will be offered to you.

19. You will be rich when you are old.

20. You have a bed of roses ahead of you, everything will go well.

21. Your friends will help you to achieve this.

22. A sudden change in your household duties will be for the better.

23. A letter or call will bring you good news.

24. A stranger will help you.

25. A fortunate transaction in the next 27 days.

26. Be alert, watch everything, and you will succeed.

27. Through the art of selling you will get great rewards.

28. Don't get stuck in a rut, make a clean break to a new life and you will prosper.

29. Through the stage or music an opportunity will come.

30. Unfair treatment by relatives will make you stand on your own two feet.


1. A woman will be the cause of an unexpected promotion.

2. A large inheritance from a close relative will benefit you.

3. You will be invited to dinner, the theatre or a ball.

4. A small sum of money is coming.

5. The money you expect will not come right away.

6. A flight of close friends will frighten you.

7. A marriage in middle age will alter your prospects.

8. Kindness to an older person will bring you an unexpected reward.

9. An old bag or trunk hides a fortune for you.

10. The one you consider your best friend is a fake.

11. Friendship will unexpectedly turn into love.

12. You will be offered a trip soon. Go, the results will be good.

13. An investment you thought lost turns around.

14. Surprise at the promotion of an unwanted person.

15. Your salary will be raised, and in a short time it will be doubled.

16. A letter from an old friend, full of good news.

17. The promotion or advancement you seek will not be offered to you.

18. That which you have been waiting for so long will happen in the most unexpected way.

19. Through music you will meet someone who will completely change the course of your life.

20. You will soon receive a valuable gift.

21. A letter containing a surprise.

22. Your ambition will be realized.

23. Absent friends want to hear from you.

24. Whatever you undertake in a day will be successful.

25. You will help someone whom you thought you hated.

26. A false rumor circulating about you will be fixed.

27. A phone call, a date, followed by a wonderful proposition.

28. Make a wish today, it will come true.

29. You will have cars and other conveniences of wealth in no time.

30. Your best mate envies you.

Pietro V. Carracedo Ahumada – pietrocarracedo@gmail.com


-Astra Cielo. Fortune telling with dice. essoteric Classics. Lamp of Trimegistus 2020.

-Swift, E. Roman Artefacts and Society

Design, Behaviour and Experience. Oxford, 2017.

-Webster, R. Llewellyn's Complete Book of Divination. Your Definitive Source for Learning Predictive & Prophetic Techniques. Llewellyn Worldwide. 2017.

Related articles:

> Divination with the crystal ball

> Ilm al-Raml or Science of the sands. Western geomancy.

> Geomancy and Cleromancy

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