ABRA Project


ABRA was born in 2016 and nowadays has been completed as a web page, however I would want to spread it more. ABRA desires to be as the original Latin and Spanish acronym can tell (Academia Bibliothecaque Religionum et Arcanorum - Academia y Biblioteca de las Religiones y lo Arcano) an academy and a library for the Religions and the Unseen, a place to learn and find resources.

I am delighted to have carried out this project at last and who knows how far it could go. Part of my objective is accomplished with this web page. It is not only a place for academic purposes since here we can publish and organise many works and topics which are not suitable in other places, but it is also a personal achievement since claiming an objective research for esoteric beliefs gives me great satisfaction. I feel that I can help and support people who studies or practices these beliefs, giving them comfort inside a world which ironically is full of information but also full of incoherence and ignorance.

I invite you to contribute with your own research, knowledge and ideas to improve ABRA. I believe a misunderstood world like ours deserves help. Thank you very much to be here. 

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