Etteilla Tarot (III). Cups


In previous articles we have seen an introduction to the Etteilla tarot and the meanings of the "arcana". Next we will see the meanings that Alliette gave to the different suits of the deck, in the previous one we saw the wands, this time, it is the turn of the cups. Let us remember that in the Etteilla tarot the cards can be read right side up and upside down, so they have two basic meanings face up or face down, for quick readings, and then more complex meanings that also vary depending on the position. With human figures it is easy to see if the card is right side up or upside down, but with objects it can be more complicated. That is why Etteilla developed a very clear system, dividing the card into objects and a yellow square. If the square is down, the card is right side up, and if the square is up, the card is inverted.

36. King of Cups. Basic meanings: Probity, dishonor.

General: An "eminent" will be willing to help the consultant, but it will not be easy.

If read alone:

- Right side up: A man will pay you his debt, and will be a good instrument in your business.

- Reversed: The person who tries to do business with you is dishonest and unscrupulous.

If read near other cards:

- Right side up: With the Traitor (18), enmity. With Misery/Prison (19), you will find comfort. With the 2 of Cups (48), marriage (if you are a woman).

- Reversed: With the 10 of Wands (26), you will lose your job, unless it has the numbers 7, 32, 41, 47, 77 nearby. With the Wheel of Fortune (20), monetary problems will end temporarily. It also predicts the death of a high-ranking ecclesiastical official.

37. The Queen of Cups. Basic meanings: Irreproachable woman, dissolute woman.

General: an excellent woman, but who lets herself be carried away in questionable situations out of weakness.

If read alone:

-Upright: An impeccable woman will come to you.-Upside down: Another more beautiful woman wants to deceive you.

If read near other cards:

-Upright: With the three of coins (75), if the consultant is a woman, an important and quick success. With the ace of cups (49) and the ace of swords (63), bad weather will make you sick. With the five of cups (45), a rich marriage, especially if it is a woman.

-Upside down: With the plants or the Moon (3), a pregnancy that leads to an argument. With the stars (6), an abortion.

38. The knight of cups. Basic meanings: arrival, deception.

General: the arrival of something or someone hopeful, but it must come alone to be positive.

If read alone:

-Upright: Your path to receive honors is opening up.

-Upside down: A deception is being prepared against you, behind the facade of quality and comfort.

If read near other cards:

-Upright: With the seven of pentacles (71), you are lent money. With Death (17), the goods you are going to receive are dangerous. With the 50 king of swords (50), abuse of power. With the ten of pentacles (68), unexpected luck.

-Upside down: With Force Majeure (14), cheated in bets. With the six of wands (30), a serious discussion.

39. Jack of Cups. Basic meanings: Affection, young scholar.

General: This card is generally a good omen, even if it comes up upside down. Unfortunately, it is often greatly influenced by the surrounding cards.

If read alone:

-Upright: For women, marriage to a young man with a bright future. For a man, promotion.

-Reversed: You are offered a friendship, accept it.

If read near other cards:

-Upright: With Misery/Prison (19), a gift from a woman. With the two of wands (34) reversed, a happy surprise. With the one of wands (39), domestic disputes. With the nine of cups (41), an interesting proposition.

-Reversed: With the queen of wands (23), a woman is the cause of a scandal. With Death (17), death of a neighbor. With the Misery/Prison (19), a loyal young man.

40. Ten of Cups. Basic meanings: Home, anger.

General: everything that happens in your environment (home, work, neighborhood...) is determined by this card.

If read alone:

-Upright: if the consultant or person being asked about is a man, honors. If it is a woman, she will dominate her home with skill and authority.

-Upside down: Family discussion. Possible mourning.

If read with other cards:

-Upright: with the Seven of Swords (57) reversed, good advice. With Discord (21), do not go against your superior.

-Upside down: With the Queen of Wands (23), victories. With the Seven of Wands (29), harsh criticism.

41. Nine of Cups. Basic meanings: Success, success in business.

General: predicts success in both love and business.

If read alone:

-Upright: Possibility of financial success.

-Reversed: The business you are in will succeed.

If read with other cards:

-Upright: With the (51), you will make a good amount of money through a woman. With the (65), a new love will enter your life.

-Reversed: With the eight of pentacles (70), some difficulties. With the King of swords (50), pay more attention to what you say.

42. Eight of cups. Basic meanings: Sincere young woman, happiness.

General: This card makes one appreciate the qualities of a young blonde woman who brings health and joy.

If read alone:

-Upright: You will fall in love very soon, and love will last a long time.

-Reversed: Take advantage of your happiness.

If read with other cards:

-Upright: With the two of swords (62), you will have several children. With the nine of cups (41), you expect a letter. With Discord (21) reversed, a legal matter with your superior. Along with the Wheel of Fortune (20), play bingo or another cheap game, the signs are in your favor for the next fifteen days.

-Upside down: With Death (17), death of someone who owes you money. With the eight of swords (56), argument.

43. Seven of cups. Basic meanings: Ideas, projects.

General: the consultant's thoughts are related to his plans, ideas and resolutions.

If read alone:

-Upright: You have a plan in mind and the way you analyze it is logical and realistic.

-Upside down: The plan could certainly go ahead.

If read with other cards:

-Upright: With the knight of swords (53) and the six of cups (44), it means obsessions.

-Upside down: With the traitor (18), a betrayal. With Death (17), disappearance of a friend.

44. Six of Cups. Basic meanings: The past and the future.

General: According to the classical interpretation, this card brings back past events and at the same time reveals the future.

If read alone:

-Upright: A souvenir or memento will be useful to you.

-Upside down: The future will correct your past.

If read with other cards:

-Upright: With the traitor (18), you have done something wrong. With the Fool (22), your intrigue is forgotten. With the King of Wands (38), take care of yourself.

-Upside down: With the four of Coins (74), your co-worker or partner steals from you and deprives you of money or possessions that you had acquired.

45. Five of Cups. Basic meanings: Inheritance, relative.

General: The card refers to inheritance as material and immaterial heritage, as well as to a good relationship with parents.

If read alone:

-Upright: Protect your assets.

-Reversed: You will once again contact a distant relative.

If read with other cards:

-Upright: With Chaos (1) and Force Majeure (14), widowhood and remarriage. With the King of Coins (64), a splendid gift.

-Upside down: With the Four of Wands (32) you will receive an inheritance at the request of a relative.

46. Four of Cups. Basic meanings: Boredom, a reversal of fortune.

General: Indicates worries and problems with those around you.

If read alone:

-Upright: A person you see frequently is responsible for a terrible discomfort.

-Reversed: A reversal of fate; loss of job.

If read with other cards:

-Upright: With the Eight of Wands (28) a celebration or dinner becomes an absolute failure. With the Four of Swords (60), there will be no one to comfort you.

-Reversed: With the Five of Swords (59), mourning in the family. With the Light (2), fire. With the Four of Wands (32), you are mistaken about the honesty of some people.

47. Three of Cups. Basic meanings: Rest, daily work.

General: A good card for artists, actors and musicians in their work.

If read alone:

-Upright: Your actions will be applauded.

-Reversed: A very likely happy ending to a financial matter.

If read with other cards:

-Upright: With the Nine of Cups (41), you are reading a lively and exciting job. With The Fishes and the Fowls (7), success.

-Reversed: Together with the Five of Cups (45), public success. Together with the Traitor (18), you are ignored. Together with Discord (21), avoid the company of very rich people.

48. Two of Cups. Basic meanings: Love, desire.

General: Not always a favorable card, it represents the heart and mind.

If read alone:

-Upright: You will attract sympathy, even love.

-Upside down: Your wishes will come true.

If read with other cards:

-Upside down: With the Fool (22), a rich marriage. With the Queen of Cups (37), hide your love. Next to the Ten of Swords (54), rejection. With the Three of Cups (47), a warm welcome.

-Upside down: With the Nine of Cups (41), success in word. Next to the Queen of Pentacles (65), look around you in your actions and decisions. Next to Discord (18), unrequited love.

49. Ace of Cups. Basic meanings: party (welcome), change.

General: This card is influenced by those around it, especially if they are housewives, landlords, etc.

If read alone:

-Upside down: Your dinner or celebration will be successful.

-Upside down: Change your attitude toward an invitation.

If read with other cards:

-Upright: Near the Queen of Cups (37), you will meet someone interesting during a dinner. With the King of Cups (36), you will be flattered into revealing your secrets and thus gaining your trust. Next to the Knight of Wands (24), departure of a loved one.

-Upside down: With Death (17), a death that affects you greatly. Near Justice (9), you will be disappointed.

Pietro V. Carracedo Ahumada -


-Cunningham, S. The Book of Thoth - Etteilla Tarot. Llewellyn Worldwide Limited, 2003

- Hundley, J. ; Fiebig, J; Kroll, M. Tarot. The Library of Esotericism.

-Llonch Segarra, S.; Mosquera, José M. Ludus Triumphorum - The History of the Tarot. Spanish Association of Professional Tarot. (Lulu) 2017. -Salas, E. The Great Book of Tarot. Robinbook, 2017.

Related articles:

>Tarot Etteilla (I): "Arcana" or main cards.

> Tarot Etteilla: meaning of the "arcana"

>The four elements in the Tarot.

>Tarot Etteilla (II): Wands

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