Mercury Retrograde: Meaning and Other Planets
Often, when everyday things seem to be stopped or not going well, you hear people say that it is because Mercury is in retrograde. This astrological reference to the planet refers to the fact that, due to the rotation of the Earth and the rotation of the planet itself, there are certain astronomical moments in which there is an apparent regression of this planet in the sky, as if it were going backwards in what would be its celestial path.
For astronomy, it is a totally cyclical and natural event, and above all, they emphasize that the planet Mercury is really following its orbit without problem, and it is simply a slight optical effect from Earth. However, for astrology, even taking into account that in its origins it was linked to astronomy, the importance of the analysis comes from what is seen from Earth (and not from the knowledge of the Cosmos as a whole), each planet has a special influence on Earth, and therefore, the way it can be seen from it has different meanings.
Let's go step by step. First, let's talk about the value of Mercury in astrology. Linked to its mythological figure, Mercury is a fast and active planet, which affects movement, travel, projects, as well as mental and verbal agility. Therefore, its influence will be precisely on these aspects, being positive when the planet is in favorable positions, and negative otherwise. So, if Mercury appears "going backwards", all the things it influences will be affected in reverse: projects will be paralyzed, plans and trips will be truncated, there will be a lack of interest in dialogue and there will be arguments, etc.
Now let's talk about retrograde motion. From Earth, the planets move across the sky from west to east, unlike the sun and the moon. Retrograde motion occurs when, due to the different speeds and positions of the planets in orbit, one planet, in this case the Earth, "overtakes" another in its orbit. In this way, even though the other planet continues to move from east to west, when it leaves it behind, from Earth it appears that the planet is moving from west to east. This is not a real movement, but rather seen exclusively from the planet that is moving ahead.
By calculating the sidereal periods (that is, how long each planet takes to make a complete revolution around the sun), the synodic periods were also calculated, that is, the moments in which a star is once again at the same point periodically. In this way, it is known that Mercury, a very fast planet, seems to go backwards every 116 days. So there is Mercury retrograde three times a year. And consequently, there are three periods of the year that are astrologically considered unlucky for carrying out the actions of which Mercury is the patron. These periods usually last about three weeks.
Because of this frequency, Mercury retrograde is the best-known aspect of this planet in astrology. However, all planets have their moments of retrograde:
Venus retrogrades every 584 days (approx. 19 months), and is retrograde for about 40 days. If Venus is love, family, passion, and relationships in general, when Venus is retrograde you can expect misunderstandings, arguments, breakups, and bad times.
Mars retrogrades every 780 days (approx. 2 years), and remains retrograde for about two months. If Mars rules activity, ambition, violent passions, at these times you can expect these characteristics to be negatively amplified or, alternatively, cancelled out and everything is ruled by passivity.
Jupiter is retrograde every 399 days (approx. 1 year and one month), and remains in this state for about four months. As the ruling planet of leadership, work, proactivity, etc., its retrograde state produces moments of boredom, selfishness, laziness, stress and victimhood. However, it can also cause a complete break in routine that invites a review of objectives.
Saturn goes into retrograde every 378 days, that is, practically every year there is a retrograde Saturn, which maintains this state for almost five months. Saturn is associated with time, so its influence affects above all memory, the beginning or end of projects, matters of the past, even historical ones. In retrograde, the worst of the past returns and must be faced.
Uranus is retrograde every 370 days, and like Saturn, every year there is a moment for it, which lasts about five months. Uranus is a planet discovered later, so it was associated with the intellectual and social side of the human being. Uranus in retrograde causes new ideas, social movements, sudden and imprudent decisions.
Neptune retrogrades every 367 days, once again there is one a year, which also lasts for about five months. Neptune, being later, has been associated with the artistic side, with the sentimental, the emotional, the aesthetic... Neptune retrograde potents the return to ancient arts, criticism of modernity, and the lack of social empathy.
As for Pluto, because it has an irregular orbit and is the furthest from the sun, it is said that it is most of the time in retrograde. Now, although astronomy does not consider it a planet, astrology continues to take it into account for its analyses, and calculates that it enters retrograde approximately once a year, and remains in this state for about five or six months. Pluto is a planet associated with the transcendental, death, impulses, consciousness, will. When in retrograde, Pluto causes periods of reflection and deep depression, fears, repressions, repressed acts... It can be something positive if the reasons that cause these discomforts that would now come to light are analyzed.
There is also talk of a general influence of the fact of planetary retrograde motion on the earth in other non-personal aspects, such as politics or economics, as well as meteorology or, broadly speaking, energies. Many astrologers consider that specific periods of retrograde motion are not really negative, but rather necessary to pause for reflection and analysis. They see these moments as challenges or tests to overcome, which are repeated cyclically to test personal growth.
Given this, we must add that the planets also cross the ecliptic and affect the zodiac signs. When they pass in retrograde, astrology considers that the aforementioned aspects of each planet directly affect people born under that sign. However, there are also astrologers who consider that the strength of the sign and that of the planet merge and affect each sign in a particular way, and in a general way all people.
Due to the times they spend "retrograding", there are planets that will pass through all signs, while others will touch only a few each year. Likewise, distinctions are made in general predictions depending on whether the planets pass direct or retrograde through one or several signs, or if all the signs through which it will move coincide are of the same element. This is also taken into account when making the personality definitions in the astral charts. For example, if someone was born when Mercury was retrograde, some vital obstacles will apply to them in those areas in which the planet influences. If it is crossing a sign of a specific element (for example, if it is passing through Cancer, a water element), the characteristics that the element brings will be influenced by the retrograde, being cancelled or partially modified. And if the planet was also passing through the sign of the person, the characteristics of this sign will be the ones that deviate.
And this is done with all the planets, and not exclusively when they are retrograde. As already seen in the article Western Astrology. Notions of Astrology (I). , positions of the planets, the ecliptic and any other celestial event have a direct consequence on the moment analyzed. This is what is commonly known as "aspects", and which will be analyzed in depth in future articles. In the face of those who openly criticize astrology, in situations like this one must take into account, at least, the required astronomical and mathematical knowledge, beyond whether or not one believes in its application.
Pietro V. Carracedo Ahumada -
> Benedito, L.F. Mercúrio retrógrado: do horóscopo à popularização dos conceitos astrológicos na comunicação. Escola de Comunicação, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro, 2019.
> Cornelius, G. Manual de los cielos y sus mitos. Ed. Blume, 2005.
> Zain, P. Una gira por el sistema solar. Planetas, asteroides y exploración espacial: desde Mercurio hasta la nube de Oort. Ed. Aguilar, 2022.
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> Western astrology. Notions of astrology (I).
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