


In Ancient Egypt, magic was closely assimilated with religion, and so with death. Magic was related to these events. First an idea, then a deity, Heka, who represented Power of Creation being previous to the most important gods. Its abstraction was identified with magical words, words for power. But Heka was not enough to represent magic in Egypt...

This world is far from the actual world we live nowadays. But thanks to the evidences preserved from ancient times, we can enjoy them as if we were at that precise moment in which the different methods to achieve the goal of each spell were carried out. We can enter this world full of texts and distinguish the different...

The word 'witch' ('bruja' in Spanish) has an unsure etymological origin. Some researchers think pre-Roman period, because of the similarities with Catalan language bruixa or Galician bruxa. . However we only know about its use and extension in Middle Ages. If we go to Ancient Times, latin was used to defined witches as maleficae term, which...

Many people believe magic has existed only after novels and fantastic literature, which is rising in modern days. But magic has existed since men started to search the purpose of life, asking questions about the world around, how storms were made and 'who' controlled earthquakes. During many centuries and on the first beginning of their adventure...

Putting an evil eye is a widespread belief since ancient times. It was originated from the power always associated to the gaze, not only human gaze but animal as well -specially the bird's. Gazes faithfully transmit what we think, because of that, in a case of envy we believe that a bad gaze can transmit a bad desire from...

Nowadays is hard to talk about esotericism and religions in New Age without the name of Aleister Crowley who is the most important occultist of the 20th century and as a figure for reference for some contemporary Satanism and indirectly for wiccan since one of the Wicca bases authors, Gerald Gardner, was inspired by him. Because of that here we...

Necromancers psichagogos, which meant that they were able to summon and manipulate the dead to achieve goals beyond divination. These necromancers were called goetis from goetia,, referred to dark magic intended to manipulate spirits or demons with evil intentions. This meant they were used to attract them to the world of living as well as for...

The term necromancy refers to a corpse -nekros in Greek- and it was related in its beginnings to the divinatory way through summoning dead people. This concept was used for every practice in which it was possible to talk with spirits and summon them to obtain aims that were considered illicit, dark and devilish practices that changed...

The main problem we face speaking about magic, sorcery and witchcraft, is that all concepts we receive from written sources are distorted either by the author or by his erudition which prevents him to have a respectful view of the magical belief.

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